Friday 30 December 2016


Today blazing kitchen prepared the local soup we all know OGBOLO SOUP
Half cup of ogbolo( or as desired depending on persons to be served)
palm oil 3 table spoon
beef, dried fish
bitter leaf
star maggi
onion (1 bulb)
pepper(fresh or dried)
salt (to taste)
grind your crayfish pepper and onion
also grind your ogbolo
steam your meat and dried fish to soften it
then get a dried pot put on fire
add your oil then add your ingredients and fry a little
then you add your ogbolo stir to mix with the ingredients and allow a little then you add your water and stir.
add your meat and fish together with the stock from it stir and allow to boil for 3mins then you add your shredded bitter leaf and salt to taste the you allow to boil for 5mins. be careful not to overcook your leaf to save its value.
you can eat this with amala, eba, pounded yam, wheat, or any swallow of your choice

Image result for OGBONO SOUP IMAGEImage result for OGBONO SOUP IMAGE

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